Hello! :) My name is Madison Smith and I'm 16. My favorite color is purple, and I often get overly compassionate with certain things. This topic however, needs all the compassion, help, and love you can give. I chose to use this topic of LGBTQIA+ Human Rights and Equality for a few reasons. To start, I myself belong to said loving community and have many close friends of various sexualities & genders. The other reason I am choosing to be a voice for this community, is because we get little to none representation in the world. Yes, we do have Pride marches, but it will never be enough. Not for the homeless teen LGBTQIA+ members, the ones being harrased, the sexually abused/assaulted, the suicidal, the unaccepted, the closeted, the neglected, the list goes on. Everyday, someone is targeted soley because of who they love, what they feel comfortable & confident dressing in. It costs nothing to be an ally, to speak up when you see injustice happening. Here on this site I will be providing links of articles, organizations, and petitions you can help out with.